Friday, March 27, 2009

Every girl loves...


Warning:If you are NOT 21 yet,don't read this post.

Who am I kidding?I do want you to read it!Afterall,if you're not yet 21,you will be someday right?Then you'll get that time of your life.Yesss.Over-21ners,you know what I'm talking about.I turned twenty-one myself late last year,and I swear I will never forget how much fun I had.And yes,I'm talking about the shots.I wanted to drink and still be able to spell my name right afterwards,and even though I didn't get to the heidous stage of throwing up like a sick whale,I still got tipsy.Hey,don't blame me,it was my twenty-first birthday!Hello.

Back to business.Every legally-aged adult woman out there in the world should please,just for a nanosecond,taste some unharmful drink like a daiquiri or some spirit for just once in their lives.And then post a comment and really,really! tell me how you felt after it.

Leave the critics who say that alcohol is harmful.They got alot of it wrong.In few words they could've stated it like this:

a.)Alcohol is dangerous...when you're behind a steering wheel of a car.

b.)Alcohol is harmful...when you take more than a glass in thirty minutes.

c.)Alcohol is bitter...when it's some cheap beer from a hippie liquor store.

Some of my fav drinks are daiquiris,margaritas,spirits,alcopop and(please don't gasp)vodka.I'm still on the way to martinis,but really this all isn't about me.I bet on my last dollar that most women out there love mild,tasty drinks and only drink beer when,well...when their boyfriends are drinking it.Spirits especially are good and are not on the high percentage,so you get to enjoy your drink and still drive home safe.The best thing about about margaritas is probably the salt and the size of the glass,which,in my opinion can be really goofy when you lick your glass;you whole face can get stuck inside!(Kidding,again)Grapefruit wine is very sweet and can leave you spelling your name backwards after two glasses,but the very best I'll say,are Barcadi Breezers,or Alcopop.They are fun and come in different colors,so you and your girlfriends can have a ball taking them.The alcohol percentage is average,so I suggest that if you're a novice to the school of drinks,try a Breezer.

Drinks can seem like a bad thing,but do you know the also do somethings for us bodywise?For example,I know that vodka,when applied to the hair with avacado and orange juice,makes your hair shiny and smooth?Or that spirits,when applied to the skin along with some moisturizers,can keep your skin from being dry and flaky?So these drinks aren't as bad as they seem,if they are used wisely.

Personally,I watch how I drink because I still believe my doctors,and I hope you do the same as you slop those drinks.If you've got some health problems and your doctor advises against alcohol intakes,please obey him.But always remember,ladies, that some drinks can't really harm you, Thanksgiving drinks,or most importantly,Mardi Gras drinks(lemon,if you didn't guess!)



Anonymous said...


I no longer drink but I do remember the Amaretto Sour, and or Captain Morgan and Coka-Cola.... with red cherrys....LOL

how are you?

Dreamara said...

I drink when necessary and i really enjoy myself.Makes me feel a lot free and a fun way!
I'm good,and I looove your Art Blog!They're beautiful.Keep up!